08 Desember 2008

Assesment for Learning Style - Menemukan gaya belajar anda

Membaca textbook/atau bacaan adalah hal yang penting bagi keberhasilan studi anda. Dosen atau instruktur anda mungkin setiap hari atau setiap minggu akan memberikan tugas/assinments dan lebih jauh pasti akan mewajibkan anda membaca bahan-bahan tertentu. Membaca artikel, buku atau jurnal seringkali menjadi dasar dari perkuliahan dan diskusi di kelas.
Membaca dan mengerti sebuah tugas bacaan bagaimanapun bukan berarti anda harus membaca seluruh isinya. Anda harus melakukan lebih dari membaca untuk mempelajari isinya.Apa yang harus anda lakukan? Jawabannya TIDAK SEDERHANA.
Tiap orang mempunyai metode dan cara belajarnya. Perbedaan ini akan diketahui dengan apa yang dikenal dengan GAYA BELAJAR.
Gaya belajar anda dapat menjelaskan mengapa beberapa mata kuliah akan lebih mudah dari yang lainnya dan mengapa anda lebih baik belajar dari dosen atau instruktur dari yang lainnya.
Gaya belajar juga menjelaskan mengapa ada tugas-tugas khusus terasa mudah untuk anda dan yang lainnya terasa sulit.
Dengan menggunakan Quiz dibawah ini, anda akan dibantu untuk menganalisa bagaimana anda belajar dan juga menunjukkan anda untuk membangun strategi belajar dari apa yang anda baca.
Silahkan menjawab quiz dibawah ini.
PETUNJUK-Masing-masing pertanyaan terdiri dari dua jawaban. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling cocok menurut anda.
Part one
1. I would prefer to follow a set of
a. Oral direction.
b. Written direction
2. I would prefer to
a. Attend a lecture given by a famous psychologist.
b. Read an article written by the psychologist.
3. When I am introduced to someone, it easier for me to remember the person’s
a. Name
b. Face
4. I find it easier to learn new information using
a. Language (works)
b. Images (pictures)
5. I prefer classes in which the instructor
a. Lectures and answer questions
b. Uses film and videos
6. To follow current events, I would prefer to
a. Listen to the news on the radio.
b. Read news paper.
7. To learn how to operate a fax machine, I would prefer to
a. Listen to a friend’s explanation
b. Watch a demonstration.
Part two
8. I prefer to
a. Work with facts and details
b. Construct theories and ideas
9. I would prefer a job involving
a. Following specific instructions.
b. Reading, writing, and analyzing
10. I prefer to
a. Solve math problem using
b. Discover why the formula works
11. I would prefer to write paper explaining
a. How a process works
b. A theory
12. I prefer tasks that require me to
a. Follow careful, detailed instructions
b. Use reasoning and critical analysis
13. For criminal justice course, I would prefer to
a. Discover how and when a low can be used.
b. Learn how and why it became law.
14. TO learn more about the operation of high speed computer prime, I would prefer to
a. Work with several types of printers.
b. Understand the principle on which they operate
Part Three
15. To solve a math problem, I would prefer to
a. Draw or visualize the problem
b. Study a sample problem and use it as model.
16. To best remember something, I
a. Create mental picture
b. Write down.
17. Assembling a bicycle from diagram would be
a. Easy
b. Challenging
18. I prefer classes in which I
a. Handle equipment or work with models
b. Participate in a class discussion.
19. To understand and remember how a machine works, I would
a. Draw a diagram
b. Write notes
20. I enjoy
a. Drawing or working with my hands.
b. Speaking, writing and listening.
21. If I were trying to locate an office on an unfamiliar campus, I would prefer
a. A map
b. Written directions.
Part four
22. For a grade in biology lab, I would prefer to
a. Work with a lab partner
b. Work alone
23. When faced with a difficult personal problems, I prefer to
a. Discuss it with others.
b. Resolve it myself.
24. Many instructors could improve their classes by
a. Including more discussions and group activities.
b. Allowing students to work on their own more frequently.
25. When listening to a lecturer or speaker, I respond more to the
a. Person presenting the idea
b. Idea themselves.
26. When on a team project, I prefer to
a. Work with several team members.
b. Divide the tasks and complete those assigned to me.
27. I prefer to shop and do errands
a. With friends
b. By myself
28. A job in busy office is
a. More appealing than working alone.
b. Less appealing than working.
Part five
29. TO make decision, I rely on
a. My experiences and gut feelings
b. Facts and objectives data.
30. To complete a task, I
a. Can use whatever is available to get the job done.
b. Must have everything I need at hand
31. I prefer to express my ideas and feeling through
a. Music, song, or poetry
b. Direct, concise language
32. I prefer instructors who
a. Allow students to be guided by their own interests.
b. Make their expectations clear and explicit.
33. I tend to
a. Challenge and question what I hear and read.
b. Accept what I hear and read.
34. I prefer
a. Essay exams
b. Objective exams
35. In completing an assignment I prefer to
a. Figure out my own approach
b. Be told exactly what to do

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